Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Beginning

Yesterday was an event day for me. I'm an event planner who leads a non-profit organization, and I was away from the house for most of the day. Days like this are tough, not for me but for my wife and kids. Saturdays should be family-time, there's no arguement from any of us.

But as an event planner, I miss a lot of Saturdays during the year, and on these days my kids go pretty much bonkers when they see me. "DADDDDDDDDDDYYYYY," they scream in unison, jump all over me, and then tell me all about their day. It's a good life.

Yesterday, we met at Silver Diner in Merrifield after my event was over, and my guess is the screams could be heard in Bethesda. It's good to be loved. Or idolized. Or stalked as the case may be. I digress.

So, at Silver Diner they have these jukebox units at each table, and more than the food, the kids like to go to SD just for the that all pre-dates not only their birth, but most of my life as well. On this evening, each had one quarter to spend (one song) each. Claire, the female half of our six-year old twins, chose Stevie Wonder (who she sometimes accidently refers to as Stevie Underwood, confusing him not with Steve Winwood but rather with Carrie Underwood...geez). Claire likes Stevie Wonder's music, but thinks it's cool that he is blind. And plays music. And his name (both "Wonder" and "Underwood" versions).

Then Ethan chose the Beatles, "I Want To Hold Your Hand." Ethan loves the Beatles, but only because he heard them incessantly on those Kidz Bop CD's, but last night was different. I try to pass on morsels of information about pop culture, so that he understands there's more to the world then what he sees on televison. After the song, he asked me when we got home if he could hear more Beatles music, but not with those kids singing, but the REAL Beatles.

I was so proud of him. I've already taught him to identify songs by the Beatles, U2, and even Coldplay simply by the musical style, but for him to request it...well that is breaking new ground. And I couldn't be happier.

Claire wanted no part of it. "If I have to listen to it then you have to play me "Party in the USA" (a very catchy song by Miley Cyrus)," she yelled. She wants no part of pop culture history. Ethan...I think he craves it, either to be like Dad or just because he senses it's importance to me. I sense he will be the repository for my pop culture obesession as he grows up. But Claire...I don't know if there's hope for her. If it's not on Disney Channel, she hates it.

Anyway, that's where this Blog begins. To Bridge the Pop Culture Gap between me and my kids. Enjoy, comment, share...I welcome your thoughts.


  1. I hope you realize what an audaicious overwhelming task you have set for yourself..... lololol. Good luck - it will be much fun following you!!! :D

  2. Thanks, Judy. I've always said I have a book in me, but I've never had the time to sit down and write. This will either work really well, or go down in flames. Fast.
